We didn't stay at the cabin. We hit the road back home as soon as I told him I was willing to work things out. It was still a little awkward and the drive home wasn't exactly comfortable.

The tension between us was wild and not exactly in a good way. But I said I was willing to give it another go and I was going to try. The only thing I was hesitant about was not being able to go back to the way we were. "Leah?".


"You do know how sorry I am don't you?". He placed his hand on my knee squeezing gently.

"I know". I didn't want to keep talking about it. The more he brought it up the more I struggled to move past it. I knew he was sorry but he still had to gain back my trust. "She meant nothing to me, you're the only-....".

"Can we please not". I sighed. "I've told you I'm willing to try again but please stop talking about it".

His hand fell from my knee as he gripped the steering wheel and drove the rest of the way home.

It was horrible. The awkwardness, the tension. I couldn't help but feel like we had lost what we had. He pulled up outside my house cutting the engine.

"I'll see you tomorrow". Unclipping my seat belt I jumped when he grabbed my hand.

"I feel like I've lost you".

"Same". I whispered.

ever going to get back what

much our relationship had changed in so little

shrugged because right now I wasn't so sure. Was I always going to have that little voice in the back of my head telling me he was up to no good? "You're not really filling me with confidence

that. He ran a hand down his face a sigh falling from his lips. "I'm sorry". I whispered. "I


had no idea how to

her gripping me tightly. That

know what

she took hold of my hand leading me

have are driving me crazy. I can't switch it off, how

you want to be with

was the truth. Nothing about the way I felt had changed. He still made me feel all fuzzy

placed the cup of hot coco on the table as she sat across from me. "The

the way they were". I took a sip of my drink burning my tongue in the process. "But that's not going to

sweetheart and he'll pay for it for the rest of his life. What he did will live with him forever".

I want is for you to be

At the start I was hesitant because of his past but he proved me wrong.

Leah. This time round you show him who's boss". The knock at the back door made my

upstairs. I'll deal with whoever that is". She kissed the top

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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