I did it.

My final exam was complete.

Whether I passed it or not was a different story but I was just glad to be done. School year was coming to an end and all my worries from before were starting to creep back in.

I had no plans for when school finished.

"Well?". Alanna asked as she linked her arm through mine.

"Not as bad as I thought".

"We did it". She squealed. "We actually finished school. We should go out and celebrate tonight".

I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate. Jake wasn't here and I wasn't really sure if we were on speaking terms or not.

"He's my brother Leah but forget about him for one night".

"Easier said than done". The whole waiting to mate conversation got a little heated.to read the complete chapters for free. I stormed off to the room and well he stormed off into the woods. I woke to a text the next day saying he was away on Alpha duties.

I haven't heard from him since.

"Have you tried calling him?". She sighed.

"I'm not doing that".

"You are both as stubborn as each other".

"Well suited then". I grinned.


Reaching my car I unlocked the door putting my bag


the subject.

stupid reason to have an argument. I knew

real smooth". She winked. "I was thinking drinks at Jake's and then

where I made everyone uncomfortable because

not here".

to and we're celebrating. I'm

"Yeah right have you-....".


I passed". I

throwing his arm around my shoulder. "We celebrating

her eyes. "Of

text you later and tell you where

grinned. "Catch you later shorty, Alanna". He

really just

getting in?". I opened my door

"Jake won't like that".

He doesn't get to pick my friends Alanna". I took off out the school parking lot and headed home. "That's not what I mean. You

didn't need to remind me. "Then I guess he

"Great". She sighed.

I don't know why she was trying

first hand what he's like when he's jealous".

of. Heck he's not even here

doesn't know what's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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