Scrunching the note she left in my hand I placed my hand over my heart. It was beating so fast. She just up and left without a care in the world. No explanation, no nothing. How could she just leave?

Pulling open the fridge door I took the opened bottle of wine out and poured a glass. That's how Jake found me. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. Not before almost giving me a heart attack by bursting through my back door.

"She's gone". I took a sip of the wine. "Just up and hightailed it out of here". A laugh fell from my lips.

"Babe slow down with that". He took the glass from my hand after I finished what was in it.

So I reached for the bottle. "Leah"...

"What?". I brought the bottle to my lips taking a large drink. "Why are you here, wait let me guess. You felt my feelings?". I regretted saying it as soon as the words left my mouth. This wasn't his fault.

He took the bottle from my hands pouring the remains down the sink. "That won't help this situation". He pulled out the seat next to me and sat down.

"You're right". I sighed. "Nothing will help this situation. How could she just leave and not tell me?".

Reaching over he placed his hand on top of mine. "Have you tried calling her?". He asked.

"She left this". I slid the note to him. "A pathetic I'm sorry". I laughed.

"I'm sorry baby".

I shrugged. "It's not your fault everything's a mess. What I don't get is why she would just up and leave".

"I wish I had the answers baby I really do".

to my


out beside me. The

covers off I slipped out of bed and headed downstairs. I was shattered but my mind wouldn't shut off. I couldn't shift the sadness I felt and

on. I don't know why but I felt the need to go over to her house. I couldn't

quiet as I could I closed the front door behind me. I pulled my

how long I stood there staring at it. What would happen to it now she wasn't here? Or did she have a plan for

jumped when I heard


Rocco approached

time patrol?".

you doing out at this time?".

I wasn't sure why I was here. I didn't want to go inside.

how close you and

that's all he

than close". I

know you're out?". Rocco

Jake knows I'm out here alone at". I glanced at my phone. "2 o'clock

my shoulder with

if you ask

us walk you home before we get back to our patrol". Carter placed his hand on

right and dealing with a pissed off Alpha is something I'd rather avoid. "I can't wrap my head around this

Let's get you home

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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