"Hey where are you?".

Okay so that's not what I expected her to start with.

"Having coffee with Lana. Is everything okay?". I asked.

"Just peachy". I could hear the sarcasm in her voice. "You want to tell me what's going on?". She asked.

"Not really". Not everyone needed to know our business. "How bad is it?".

"He's shifted three times already. I'm scared he's going to lose control to his wolf".

"Surely he has more self control. I mean how did he manage before I got here?".

"Do you know what Leah forget it but if he does lose control to his wolf it's on you".

"She hung up". I looked at Lana. "And she wasn't very nice".

"Do you think maybe you should go down there?".

I wasn't doing that. Jake could handle and control his wolf just like everyone else. They couldn't always expect me to fix it.

"No". I took a sip of my coffee. "They can't just expect me to fix things every time we have an argument or a disagreement. If Jake can't control himself or his wolf without me then that's on him". "Fair enough".

"And if he can't see how much I love him then that's on him as well. He's acting out because I didn't say it back and I get it. He's hurt but taking it out on everyone else isn't the answer". "I hear you". She smiled.

"I'm doing the right thing aren't I?".

"I can't answer that for you. Look Jake will come around, he'll understand. You weren't ready to say it and that's okay. It doesn't mean you don't feel the same".

"Why can't men be as understanding as woman?". I sighed.

"Because they're men". She made a face causing me to laugh. "You ready to go?".

"Yeah but could you drop me off at my grans instead of Jake's. I want to pack up the rest of my stuff".

"Sure thing".


I stood staring at my empty room. This was it, this was really happening. Chewing the inside of my cheek I turned off the light closing the door behind me. None of this felt real.

I had all these questions and no one to ask. It was like an itch I couldn't scratch. Heading downstairs I entered the living room taking a seat on the couch. It felt weird being here and yet oddly comforting. The million dollar question will always be why she left. Leaving everything but the clothes on her back and her car.

Odd behaviour and not like my gran at all. Groaning I grabbed the cushion next to me and screamed into it. I was frustrated because I couldn't stop thinking about it.

do with my dad? Is he the reason she


didn't bother removing the cushion

"What you doing here?".

ask you the same thing". I removed the cushion so I could look

scratched the back of his head. "Was hoping you'd

not my house".

isn't here". He took a seat

you want. Is Alanna staying with

only if you're okay

as if I live here anymore Carter. Gran made sure of that


to be annoyed".

"How you holding up?".

ever". I

"Leah". He sighed.

you want me to say

patch just now but


"You and Jake alright?".

"Why wouldn't we be?".

"He seems a little-...".


today that's for sure. What's

loved me and I didn't say it back". There was no point in trying to pretend everything was okay. Carter

love him Carter I really do

to get out of here for

I didn't need to think


he pulled

"Day drinking?". He grinned.

"Here, really?".

out many bars so it's this or back

all know I'm underage in

He shrugged.

"I'm not doing that".

on we'll have a few drinks and then

probably the last person he wants to


and I haven't heard from him either. Have you seen him?". I asked as we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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