I couldn't stop thinking about Alanna. I felt bad for her and what happened. I understood that Jake was her Alpha but I think it got a little out of hand. I mean challenging him brought death?

Surely not right?

"You okay?".

"Yes". I smiled.

I wasn't going to bring it up. I knew better than to question his actions, especially his Alpha side. I learned quickly that somethings were better left unsaid. "Listen about what happened with Alanna-...

"You don't need to explain anything to me. I get it. You're her Alpha, it had to be done".

"Right". He frowned scratching the back of his head.

"Must be hard though considering she's also your sister".

"My wolf doesn't see that when she's challenging his position. I was born Alpha, Rylee didn't want it so it is rightfully mine".

"Does it really come down to death?". I whispered.

"Afraid so princess".

"Can anyone challenge you?".

"Where you going with this Leah?".

shrugged. "Has anyone challenged you

but if anyone does they better


shower and grab an early night". He grabbed my wrist as

"You sure you're okay?".

what he did. Maybe he took it a little too far but

up my lips connected with his cheek. "I'll see you when



"Come on baby".

still dark outside".

still shut".

still the middle of the night". I turned onto my side pulling the

it'll be worth

covers from my face and opening my eyes.

have to just bring a

covers off and got out of bed. "I'm so tired". I

awake. A little eager considering it was still the middle

on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. It

are we going that

to watch the sunrise". I took the flask he

As I've said before. It was my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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