"Let me get dressed and I'll be right out". "I'll find us a film".

Once I put my things into the bedroom, I made my way to the living room area. He was sat searching through Netflix. I didn't think you would be able to get Wi-Fi out here. "Hey". I sat beside him.

"Netflix is rubbish. I swear you spend more time looking for stuff to watch than actually watching". Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. He sat the remote a side. "You would tell me if you didn't want to be here, wouldn't you?".

I frowned. He thought I didn't want to be here?

I grabbed a hold of his hand making him look at me. I didn't want to be anywhere but here with him. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be".

"Then talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking, feeling. I want to make sure you're happy and that you're not doing this just for me".

"I've had sex with one person. I have little to no experience. For some reason it feels like my first time. I'm nervous, shoot me". I rolled my eyes. I wasn't used to him wanting to talk about my feelings.

I wasn't big on telling him what was going on inside my crazy head. This full moon was driving me nuts.

A chuckle fell from his lips. "You sure do have a way with words". He squeezed my hand. "Feels like my first time to".

"Don't make fun of me". I huffed taking my hand back.


This was us taking the next step. I would be acting this way even if this was a normal relationship. "It's a big deal

eyes. "Because I'm pretty sure you're well experienced when it comes down to

shouldn't have

grabbed his hand again. "I say things I don't mean when I'm nervous and it usually turns into an argument. I want to be here, I want to have s*x with you, God do I

wanted to

I really just

"Was that an

would ever have. "I really, really want to have sex with you to". He

as each other only Jake was good at

taking this

Yes, we were.

to shower. Try and find

I could tell the moon was getting stronger. I could feel it under my skin. The tingles,

as painful

the sofa I searched my jacket for my phone. I hadn't looked at it since we got here. I also put it

I didn't recognise. It had to be my gran. Opening the message, I thought

days. Leaving, to then being unreachable to then contacting me again. It was madness but surely there had

my Facebook, clearing the notifications and then put my phone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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