I had been awake for hours. Lying in bed staring at the ceiling. I kept playing last night over in my head. How did he know where I lived? How long had he been in town? Had he been watching me?

My head hurt and I felt sick to my stomach. Last night proved I didn't know him at all. He set out to hurt me and that's exactly what he did. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. I was exhausted. Physically and mentally drained and I had no intention of leaving this room today.

Everything was a mess. My life was a rollercoaster and the only good thing I had going for me was Jake. Why couldn't it be simpler? Why did all of this have to happen?

Everything happens for a reason but why?

Why did my gran have to leave?

Why did Lana open her mouth and say the things she did?

Was it me? Was I the problem?

Grabbing my phone from the nightstand I unlocked it. No messages, no missed calls, nothing. After scrolling through Facebook and checking some apps I put it on do not disturb and shoved it under my pillow.

I didn't want to deal today.

I wanted to sleep and forget last night ever happened.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't switch off.

was taken to hospital and he wasn't dead. Which was a relief on my part. I don't know what I would have done if he was. There was a knock on the door before he entered. He smiled at me. "Want me to run you

I shook my head.

about coming down

I shook my

stay cooped up in here all day". He sat on the end

for what? I had to stop the pity party in my head and give myself a shake. I had nothing to feel bad about.

Leah. You protected yourself just like anyone else would have. He won't

still here?". I

want you worrying about


far as I

about everything, but I wasn't. I wanted to be, but I

the Tommy I knew. Unless this was him showing his true

wanted to live my life in peace

that too much

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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