The full car ride home he didn't bring it up. I was waiting for an earful, but it didn't happen. I ripped her hair from her head and caused a scene in front of many people and still nothing. Surely, anyone in my position would have done the same thing?

Should I bring it up?

"Stop worrying about what happened back there". He reached over taking my hand in his. "You were badass

"I was, wasn't I". I grinned.

A laugh fell from his lips as he turned into the street slowing down at our house. He didn't park in the driveway instead he parked over it. "You go inside, and I'll nip to the drug store". "Why?". I frowned.

"i thought we were going to do another test?".

Oh yeah that.

"Oh yeah". I smiled. "Can you also get hot Cheetos and some of that fizzy water I like". I took off my seatbelt. I had already texted Lana, so I know she'd be here soon.

"Anything for you mama".

I didn't want him to get his hopes up when this could all be a waste of time. Just because I was eating more didn't mean I was pregnant. I didn't have any other symptoms other than my eating habits and I was a little more tired than usual. I kissed his cheek before getting out and heading inside.

He was excited, who was I to take that away from him?

I kicked my shoes off and hung up my jacket. I couldn't stop thinking about food. I couldn't get enough of the nachos. The cheese, the jalapeños. My mouth was on fire, but I liked it.

"It's open". I yelled as I heard the knock. Why she was knocking I don't know. I pushed my nachos to the side and went about making some tea. "Hey".

"Tea?". I asked.


Not another one.

"I do now".

look different". She looked me up and down. "But I can't put my finger

it was that noticeable and yet it didn't stop me from finishing off the nachos. "I can't

assuming that I am". I dumped the empty box in the trash and went back to making

to talk about that". I didn't want to sound rude, but I was done


should be talking to about this but instead there was

I can say except that I'm sorry. I never meant the things I said and if

to know why you said it". I placed a mug next to her before taking a seat. "Just tell me the truth so we can put this to bed and move on. I

were best friends from preschool,


of you, of Jake and your relationship. Everything was going great for you.

didn't have a dad growing up. Yeah, because my life is something

would take it back if I

said all those horrible things because you were jealous of me. You put a wedge in our relationship because you were jealous?".

it seemed like I was being pushed out of your life because you didn't need me anymore". "That's bullshit and you

can't say our

changed. We were both mated and pretty much settled. But our

not to fix this. I want you in my life Lana,

want that

can we put this behind us and get on

really am sorry. I haven't been the friend you deserve. You're my sister Leah

"I love you too".

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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