Happy tears, sad tears I wasn't sure, but I couldn't stop. I was full on sobbing my heart out. Jake tried to calm me down, but it didn't work. I was wrapped up in my own little bubble. Trapped inside my own head with the what ifs and the buts. We were having a baby.

I was having a baby. "Leah, baby, please talk to me".

My sobs grew quiet, my tears coming to a stop. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. I sat myself down on the couch and placed my head against the cushion. I just wanted to sleep. I wanted the buzzing in my head to stop and the churning in my stomach.

"Baby". He sat beside me placing his hand on my leg. "Everything is going to be okay. It's me and you remember. We've got this".

I was eighteen and pregnant.

I wasn't sad about it; I was overwhelmed, and it hadn't sunk in yet. I was going to be a mom. We were going to be parents. Us, how were we going to look after a kid?

He grabbed the blanket from behind the couch and placed it over me. "Do you want me to make you some tea?". He asked.

I nodded.

My stomach was in knots. I was nervous, I felt sick. There was a baby growing inside of me. Our little baby. I swallowed the lump in my throat, my mouth dry I licked my lips.

It was big news and a lot to take in, but I was carrying the life that we created together inside of me.

"We can go to bed, get you more comfortable".

I shook my head and sat up taking the tea from him. "I'm okay sitting here". We had to talk about this but for now I wanted to sit in silence and gather my thoughts.

He sat back down beside me his hand resting against my leg. We both sat in silence not a word spoken between us. For how long I have no idea. A yawn escaped my mouth as he shifted beside me reaching for the tv remote.

the silence was

on what we watch?".

was scrolling through Netflix, but I know his head was elsewhere. It

overwhelmed". I whispered. "And scared as hell". The lump appeared in the back of


"You are?".


"We're having a

what you

but it has. Right now, I'm not sure how I feel about it all. I don't think I believe it yet. It hasn't sunk in that I'm going

it was a

you were

hand, I placed it flat against my stomach. "I may not know how I feel right now but this little baby in here is ours". He had to know that I wanted

be parents".

shit was about to get real and


all night never waking up

without being sick was the worst. I would rather spew my guts up than

Yeah, it didn't.

I boaked, I gagged.


put my toothbrush back. Still in my towel I opened the door

sick?". He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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