Chapter 314

Chapter 314

"Great you guys are fighting because of me. Woohoo". She groaned.

"We're not fighting". I huffed. "But Jake's right you need to talk to Carter. He needs to know how you fe "Fine, okay, but don't be surprised if I turn up here tonight with my sleeping bag".

"You won't".

After she left, I made my way upstairs and into our bedroom. We weren't fighting and I was going to m "Room for one more?". I asked. Euphoria.

Every inch of my body was satisfied. I was completely and utterly in love with him. Sex in the shower w The closeness of our bodies, our skin touching, the gentle touch of his hand. A shiver rocked its way t "Babe?".

"Huh?". I blinked a few times.

want to go out for

was talking Carter wasn't in the best of moods. I couldn't see "No idea". He shrugged. "But it's none of our business. What


starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Carter was He was giving nothing away and trying to get a conversation out of him was

made a face. I didn't know how to spark


ut this big move".

knew that.

felt the heat flare

I let out a

his idea.

was here physically but his one. This wasn't like him

She looked on the verge of tears. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on not. I felt horrible I

came back with our drinks and took our food order. I wasn't sure how much longer I could take the awkwardness

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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