"No and nothing matters when it comes to you. I hate seeing you upset and I'm sorry for causing it. I should have told you but with the pregnancy I didn't want to make you feel worse". "You need to tell me things and not keep them from me".

"I know baby and I really am sorry".

"Why is this even happening?". I asked.

"A favour my dad owes and now Jessica's dad is cashing it in. Apparently, they aren't doing so well".

"I don't care". I huffed. "She tried to make my life a misery, so she deserves nothing less".

A laugh fell from his lips. "How about we go inside, and I'll run you a bath and then if you feel up to it, we can go over to my mom's and enjoy your graduation party?".

"I think I'd like that".

smoothed my hands down my sides and rested them on my stomach. It wouldn't be long until I was showing. I never imagined I would fall

paired it with my small heeled black boots. I felt better after relaxing in the bath. My mind clearer about

and her family back into the pack, then I will do everything in my power to make sure she knows her place. I would make sure she knew that I was

I had more important things to think about. was

He asked as

it out my closet and pulled it on.

beautiful Leah and I'm incredibly lucky that I get to spend the rest

lucky too". I

house the party was in full swing. Everyone from our senior year was here. I was met with a

you were going to come but I'm so glad you did.

I knew it was going to be over

have to get me a gift

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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