"Football scholarship?".

"Yeah". I smiled.

"He's good but he's not better than me". He smirked.

And there it was. The jealousy I was waiting for. I rolled my eyes as turned my attention towards the two must admit he was getting better with the whole jealousy thing. He would always be protective of me, but I was used to that by now. "I was I got 5 offers". He handed me my plate before sitting down beside me.

"So, why didn't you go?". I asked.

"The pack".

"But you wanted to go?".

that wanted to live out the college life,

"That's sad".

He slipped his arm around my shoulders. "Besides if I went would

met at some point. We're

He kissed the side of my head. "Have you

to turn up". I shrugged. "But I guess I'll call him tomorrow and

want to do

my family. Can you believe I have a whole other family that I've never

and they'll

if they don't

you always put everyone else before

family of 3".

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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