I ate my weight in food. I wanted everything on the menu and Jake had no issues ordering me just that. Pushing my plate to the side I took a sip of my water before my eyes landed on Charlotte. She was grinning from ear to ear.

She knew.

We were planning to tell them tonight, but we couldn't get the chance. Conversations were flowing and changing all the time. Jake and his dad were currently discussing more security around the perimeter. "So, have you had a look at any online courses yet?". Charlotte asked.

I wanted too but I also wanted the college experience. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. I couldn't go to Yale we all knew that was dead and buried and I had accepted that but there was still a chance for me to go to school here.

"Not yet but I plan to. I'm going to look into going to college here". I had all the information I needed and there was still time for me to apply.

"College here but how would that work?".

I frowned. How would what work? And then it clicked that she was talking about my pregnancy. A sigh fell from my lips. Being pregnant wasn't going to stop me doing things. It wasn't an illness, I wasn't dying.

My face must have said it all because her opinion soon changed.

sweetheart. It'll do you the world of

who the world of good?". Jake

swear he only heard what he wanted to

time courses. I'll go

good idea?". He made a face. "I don't want you stressing over

knew it was coming from a good place, but I didn't need

all day everyday Jake. I need something to

asked. "I thought college was

the table". I pushed my chair back and got to my feet. "I'm going

I couldn't do anything without his permission. Our afraid of doing something he won't like. We were

in the bathroom to compose myself seemed like a clever idea. Or so I thought until there was a knock

"I'm peeing". I spoke.

"You're hiding".

it hard to stay mad at him. Not that I was mad but smothering me wasn't going to do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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