"I just think you're giving up a lot for one guy".

I didn't want to spend our last day together talking about Jake. I also didn't want things to get heated and we end up on bad terms. I would defend Jake to the hilt. "Not that it's any of your business but I love him".

"Ouch". He grinned. "Guess that's my chance really out the window".

I rolled my eyes. He never had a chance to begin with. I didn't see Ryan in that way I never have. We were friends nothing more nothing less.

"Should we get some tea?". I asked.

"I'll get it. Do you want some cake?".

"Yes please". I smiled.


We talked for ages, drank multiple cups of tea and ate our weight in cake. I was sad that we wouldn't get to do this anymore. He was leaving tomorrow, and I had no idea when I'd get see him again.

A yawn escaped my mouth as I checked my phone. It was almost 4 o'clock. We had been here for hours.

"Sorry if I'm boring you". He smirked.

"You're not". I grinned.

want to get out of

go where?". The weather wasn't any better. It was still raining

guess we picked

we got to catch up and you didn't stand me up this time. I would have been pissed if you left

"Never shorty".

we head out? The weather isn't getting any

pretty late and

really going to miss

am I going

will be falling at your feet". I slipped

"Shame it wasn't you".

my eyes. "Promise we won't lose touch and you won't



there. His truck parked in the drive. Slipping my shoes off I hung up

the couch, a beer

"Hey baby".

I sat beside

slipped his arm around my shoulders. "Did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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