I sat for ages watching him sleep. It wasn't long before the nurse poked her head in to check my obse "Do you need anything sweetie?".

I shook my head.

"Your bp is a little high but that can sometimes be normal in girls your age. Do you feel okay?".

I shrugged. I was being unreasonable; this wasn't her fault, but I wasn't in the mood for talking.

"I'll be back soon. In the meantime, if you need anything press your button".


I felt lost. I didn't understand how I could grieve something I never had. Maybe this was how it was always going to end up. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

Brushing the tears from my cheeks, I muffled my sob with the bedsheets. I wanted to leave, I wanted to get out of here and go home. I wanted to be in the comfort of my own surrounding and sleep in my own bed. But truthfully, I was in no state to leave this bed.

"Babe". His voice reached my ears, and I wiped my face clean and cleared my throat.

"I need to pee".

He helped me to the bathroom and against my protests he wouldn't leave.

"I just want to help".

"I can manage".

the help he was offering I was just being stubborn. I was looking for someone to blame other than myself and that wasn't fair. None of this was

I had never lost baby before, so I had no idea what to

shrugged. The weather was bad and what happened to me could have happened

was exhausted and every part

pressed a kiss against my


okay". Again, he pressed


hands and headed back into

I hadn't eaten anything. I couldn't seem to stomach food. The thought alone put me

snoring softly from the chair his jumper covering his eyes.

to my room opened the nurse from

going to change your IV and once that's finished the

go home?".

don't see why not. He'll come and speak

I shook my head.

Jake removed his jumper and

are you feeling?".

"Sore, uncomfortable".

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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