"I'm okay I promise".

"I got the goods". Lana grinned.

She was carrying three glasses of wine with the bottle under her arm. I had no intention of drinking any. It was the furthest thing from my mind. But I would hold it and keep the glass warm.

"Oh, gimmie". Alanna spoke. "I've had a long day".

"Are you guys staying the night?". I asked.

"I am I already told Pete not to expect me home".

I couldn't hide my smile. Lana had never changed. I loved that she was here. We may have gone through a rough patch, but I couldn't imagine my life without her in it.

Overall, she was my ride or die and she knew me better than I knew myself.

"Beats staying at my mom's". Alanna made a face as she took a sip of her wine. "I'm not ready for the hundred questions I'm going to get".

"Wait, your mom doesn't know you're home?".

She shook her head. "That's a conversation for tomorrow. Should we get dinner? Oh, should we go out for dinner?".

"Yes, I like that idea". Lana added.

in the mood for that, I was still sore. My

chewing the inside of my cheek. "Not really in the mood to go out". "Sure, of course,

menus in the kitchen just pick anything I'm not bothered. I'm going


into the bathroom downstairs because it was easier.

heavy. Visit Jobnb.com to read the complete chapters for free. Hopefully it wasn't going to last much longer. After finishing I washed my hands and headed back into the living room. Jake

"Hey baby".

I forgot he was

order Chinese

you okay?".

my hot water bottle?". I hadn't taken anything for the pain, but I needed something to take the edge off. I tried my hardest to just deal with it, but it was becoming too much. "Go sit down please". He

food". I smiled. "I don't think


from smiling, my tummy sore from

missed them. I was lucky to have

thought she was coming?". It didn't feel right that

I feel like I need a top up". She got to her

telling me?

didn't want to come

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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