For once I didn't wake with what felt like the world on my shoulders. For the first time in a long time, I was excited about the day ahead. I was awake with the birds had already showered and was currently sitting on the porch watching the sun rise. I did plan to go for a run, but the weather wasn't great. It wasn't raining but the sky didn't look promising, and I didn't want to chance it. I finished what was in my cup before heading back inside.

Jake was still asleep, but I know he didn't get in until late. After he dropped me home, he went back out to do the night patrol with Rocco. Speaking of Rocco night patrol is all he seemed to do.

Maybe he preferred it? I don't know. Sighing I washed out my cup leaving it to dry on the dish rack. I was excited about tonight but a little nervous to. I had never patrolled through the night before. Come to think of it I'd never patrolled at all.

What if something went wrong?

No, nope. I was not going to do that today. I wasn't going to overthink something that hadn't happened yet. I was going to show Jake and everyone else that I could do this and that I was capable. By the time he woke I made breakfast and by that, I mean I went to the coffee shop and picked up bagels and coffee.

"You make these?". He grinned.

I shook my head. "Do you remember the last time I tried to make something?".

laugh fell from his lips. "It was a great effort though". Placing a kiss on my forehead his hands found my waist as he gently pulled me towards him. "What have


think I'm wasting my time?".

frowned. "I think it'll be good

think so

and I convinced Jake that I would be okay to go on my own I set off. If I needed him for anything I was to call. I think he was more worried about me driving his

the truck more

sun visor down. He had a picture of us stuck up in there looking all cute. If I remember correctly, it was from the night at the

my phone that night. A laugh fell

I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be driving a car again. The accident wasn't going to stop me. Although I still didn't think it was

back of my mind


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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