Chapter 0015


It was a surprise that she had said so much. More than a sentence and she would usually clam up. Maybe she was finally relaxing enough to feel she could talk more freely.

You still haven't told her we could smell her arousal.’ Aero mutters

I don't need to. I’m pretty certain she has already put two and two together. The rosy skin was a give away.’ I know he is desperate to have her, to claim her. Just as I was, but we had a new problem. Kyle

If I marked her, I would watch her die and there would be nothing I could do about it. Neah would be in so much pain as her body burned from the: inside out. I'm cruel, but the Moon Goddess's rules were on another level.

Her eyes hover on my face. slightly off focus. I knew she was fighting back tears again as she replayed my words in her head.

Out of all my brides, she was the only one who surprised me.

Because she isn't brain washed like the others.’ Aero muses.

No, but her awareness of our world is limited.’ I mutter back as Neah wipes away a stray tear.

“Are you going to take me back?” She asks in a whisper

“Why would I do that?”


you yet.” I rise to my feet and turn away from her. “Get some more sleep, Neah. I promise you it will help with the healing process.” “Are you

unbinding you. You won't be alone. Eric and Raven will be in the house if you need anything.” Meeting my brother in the foyer,

high profile place.” I look up and down at his jeans

in a grey shirt and deep blue jeans.

the door wide open. I give him the name of the restaurant and he bobs his head.

can’t, maybe she knows someone who can

like this one,

flicker up to him. He had been warned one too many times about bringing up

lips shut, pretending to throw away the

where an older woman igalready sitting, drinking a a~ martini. Mer gold bangles rattled as she moved her arms. A purple Scarf coveted her hair and

me with a smile. “It has been

us.” I watch how she drowns her drink so I offer to get another. “No need, but tell your brother to sit down. He is drawing an

link him and he silently

more about

bride, as I mentioned

see me? Have you chosen a human, is that the

no, she is definitely a Wolf,

“Twice.” Jenson mutters

to meet me, you believe I have something to do with it?” “No, not at all. I was hoping you

won't be easy,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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