Chapter 0033

“What the fuck is a Lycan?” Eric snaps

“Exactly what you saw. Part Wolf, part human.” His blue eyes move to mine. “Did you get her out?”

“What do you mean, true brother?” I demand

“Neah only has one brother and Trey isn’t him.

“Don't bullshit me!

“I will tell you everything.” He stretches out his arms

“You would be the first.” I snap, losing my patience

“lam not loyal to Moonshine. I am a Rogue.” Devon tells us

He's fucking nuts!’ Eric links me.

“Rogue?” It wasn't a term used among Wolves. You either belonged to a pack or you didn’t.

“Rejected by my pack.” Devon mutters unphased.

“Let's say you are telling the truth. How does Neah not know who you are?”

“The same way as she believes Trey is her older brother.

can’t tell if he is lying or not.’ Aero

are identical, passed down through our mother and her mother and her mother before.” “Anyone can have similar eyes.”

but what colour were Trey's eyes?” He smirks at me. "Look, why would I bother telling you this? “To

can’t go anywhere.”

You are something called a Lycan. Aman that claims to be Neah’s younger brother. Someone who she doesn't know. And Trey isn’t related

didn’t say he wasn't related. I said he wasn’t her brother!”

Alpha.’ Aero murmurs in shock. ‘Being bound twice was not just because she has

Ifit's even true.”

himself as an older brother because of the bigger age gap between him and my father. The

you know all

had someone on the


alive. I believe you killed him.” “He

be silent

“How old are you?”


indeed been removed from

like in Lycan forma My adopted parents got a massive shock when I turned = thirteen.” ‘Bless their souls.” He smiles, his blue eyes shifting back to me="She



“They didn’t kill you?

cheeks. "Please tell me she is alive. I don't have to see her. I don’t have to talk

fron@under Trey’ s thumb and that

Céntent belongs to .Org

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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