Chapter 0044


“Who?” Raven splutters

“Our prisoner.” I had told her same information but not all. I may have neglected to tell her wha he was. “Right. And why does Neah need to meet him?”

“Because he claims to be Neah's brother.” My mate is standing completely still, almost like she is frozen in time. She hadn't wanted to meet him and I didn't blame her, but now, he might be the only one who could answer questions about herself. “Neah?

“No” she shakes her head at me. “No I....I don’t want to. You said... you said it was up to me.

“I did, but now I think it will be beneficial. I can't prepare you.”

“Prepare me for what?”

“For your first shift.”

Her mouth drops open

has somehow forgotten that bit of

be able to stop it. The least I can do

of lowering her eyes, they go up to the ceiling

sense. She couldn't even think in sentences. Except for one glaring statement. ‘He did this!” She blamed

“Raven, leave!” I order

even question me and hurries out the door, slamming it shut behind her. Leaving me and my mate alone. Taking a seat. I stare at my newly marked mate as she fights with her own

us?’ Aero sighs. ‘We

her, unbound her after she

ask after a few

on her neck. Tears prick

still doesn’t speak

there might be more to why you were bound? I believe that Trey did it because he

again. “You keep trying to make outthat this is a good thing.- > But if itiStrue, and...and you really believethat’s why Trey had me.’ bound, then tell me how badof a raorister could I be?” Content

cup her face, etting her feel our connection and hoping it would be calm. her overthinking mind. She leanginto me, closing

I couldn’t get Neah to

few minutes of watching Neah internally beat herself up, Eric shoves Devon through the

at. least told me this was where we were going. There was noneed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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