Chapter 0046


“Stop!” Alpha Dane snaps. His crimson eyes are on me even though he is looking at Devon.

“Don't you want justice?” Devon asks me. "For everything that they did to you?

“That's enough.” Aloha Dane’s eyes shift to him. “Not another word. Neah has made herself clear.”

“I'm just saying...... The pack is hers. She can claim it and take her rightful place as Alpha of the Lycans.

“And I'm telling you to stop talking. Right now. You will only answer questions. You will not push her on your own ideas. Do I make myself clear?” Devon's brow creases a little, but he does as he is told and closes his mouth

Except for the eyes, he looked a little like my father, well, what I could remember of him. It was hard for me to remember any image of my father except for the one that haunts me. The memory of blood dripping down his face as I was dragged away.

said they all knew.” Alpha Dane is standing in front of Devon. Was he trying to intimidate

“Your spy?”

have asked him yourself if you hadn’t

reminded me of what

himself, “Trey had no idea

on you. He hated what they <> were doitg to you. He wanted tobeg

her though. “He was one Lycan, he couldn't do anything except

back and let them beat the shit out of her,

over,at me. “If it had been Raven, I

have ~ stopped would not have sat back and gathered snippets

from an insider. would have’ gone in and ripped peoples Heads from their necks to-save

figured out who I was, he made it impossible. I tried.” Devon's blue eyes lock on

“Let's go!” Beta Eric grabs Devon

me, “I wanted him to reassure you that whatever you turn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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