Chapter 0058


When I wake, I’m alone. My body ached. My vagina throbbed. The sex had been amazing. And now, I was thankful that my intense urges and desires had calmed. I could finally think clearly. But now I was paying the price.

Tiptoeing across the room, I wince at the pain between my thighs. Turning on the water for the bath, I don’t even wait for it to be full when I step in. Easing my aching body into the hot water.

The door opens and I catch Alpha Danes' woody scent before he steps into the room. His crimson eyes move to the bed before searching the room for me.

“Sore?” He smirks, making his way over to me.

I ned and sink further down into the water, until itis lapping at my chin

“It won't always be like this.” He smiles at me as he leans over the bath, kissing my forehead.

and sits in the big chair by the window. "You don't

he had turned the chair around

he said

as though his thoughts were elsewhere. “I haven't seen

the only guy I had ever been with. I couldn't be certain that I had done my part properly He laughs and shakes his head. “No,

for him to tell me what's on his mind. But he doesn’t. He just quietly watches me, the same way he did back in Trey's office. A look of

bath and start drying myself. he crosses over to the closet, fishing me out some clothes to wear. Something

relax. “We need to speak to your brother. I have some

hadn't spoken to him. What had

to the dungeans'made me feel a little = uneasy, Something had

and I wasn't sure ft even wanted to know.

open, stepping into the darkness first. He

Alpha Dane calls

He mutters witta yawnaslstepin . front of Wis’cell. He looked well, x someone had given him a small-bed tosl lee on, some water and ae

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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