Chapter 0061

There was that rare spike in her thoughts. Almost a dark side that was trapped by who she had become over the years. Most people would find it unsettling, but it turned me on. It was enticing and I wanted to bring it to the surface

There's a brisk knock on the door that’s accompanied with Raven’s scent. Stopping our conversation, and from Neah's thoughts, I could tell she was grateful for the break.

“Come in.” I call to my sister

“Hey,” Her eyes move between me and Neah, trying to read the situation. “Can I take Neah shopping?”


“There's a couple of us going into the city. I thought maybe Neah would like to join us. Or am I interrupting something serious again?” “It's up to Neah.” I look at my mate, still listening to her thoughts.

She shakes her head. “I’m not....I’m not ready for that.” her eyes flicker to me,. “It might not be safe."

“Nothing can go wrong. It’s neutral territory. No one is allowed to fight there. And I will be there.” Raven pleads. “We will keep you safe.” “Who is we?" I ask curiously

“Me, Klaus...” She names a couple of others

“Klaus is going?” Shopping was definitely not his thing.

“He wants to pick up some more books. You know what he’s like. he won't have them delivered in case someone has creased the pages.” She mocks, “And I assumed you would prefer us to have a chaperone.”

“So you roped him in?


isn't wrong. The city


city is somewhere he wouldn't go.” I fix my eyes on Raven. "If there’s a problem....” “We will

week since she was

to go.” She keeps her eyes low. “I can

But that is not going to help you get over your fears. I trust my sister, I trust Klaus, they are not

is.” Raven adds.

me for Salem rejecting her, but certain phrases had me thinking differently. Choosing not to respond to her comment, I keep my attention on my mate. “It’s your

won't. I could feel Raven’s eyes burning into the back of my head. I still hadn’t told

go to Neah when I break the news. “Are you seriously telling me that


glaring at me as she demands

“Technically?” She splutters


is going well.’ Aero

guy in the dungeon, claiming to be her brother. He is

you are

my decision?” It was a rhetorical question. A

likely realising that what she is asking,

Neah shakes her head.

need to come into the city. Get away from this crap for a few hours. Clear your head and spend a shit

blue eyes flash

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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