Chapter 0063

“What kind of book are you looking for?” I ask. thinking that if he gave me a description of the cover, I would be able to help him find it

There's no answer.

Turning around, I don't see him and my heart skips a beat.


Still nothing

Racing between the shelves, I call out to him. There is still no answer, in fact there doesn't seem to be anyone else here.

“KLAUS?” I was desperate. My heart starts to race, my breathing quickened as I weakly call out his name again.

Turning up the final aisle, I freeze. Cassandra stood perfectly still. A smug smile on her face. Her arms folded just under her chest as she grins at me “So the rat has found her voice."

Just behind her, I see a foot poking out. A large boot that looked like the ones Klaus wears. A thick iron scent was slowly filling the air around me. “Did....did you kill him?”

him in the

out then.” Her eyes settle on

not...I'm not alone.”

her long blonde hair.

“Where’s.....where’s Trey?”

Trey to you!” She spits, “And it

won't like you here.” I glance at Klaus’s foot which is moving a little. “They have their own rules. “Do you think I care about that? You are the

you are the reason my parents are dead!" My abrupt response

I was so relieved to see that he was alive. “Why...why are you here?” I demand, trying to find

to see


at me. “He

hands clamp around her throat.

Beta Eric charges in from nowhere. He grabs hold of me, pulling me behind

“Answer me!” Klaus demands.

against him. Digging I her perfectly manicured © nails deep into his wrists, yet Klaus refuses to let go, even when his blood trickles

her go, Klaus.”

tried to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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