Chapter 0067

“At the moment, I don't think it’s so much as they fear her. They fear what she might be able to do.” “Particularly Trey and Cassandra?

“They are the only leaders left, what do you think!

“What would Trey want to remind Neah of?"

“What do you mean?” He rises to his feet and stands face to face with me. Only the bars keep us apart. “What does Neah need reminding of?”

He cocks an eyebrow. “I don’t know what you are asking, Alpha Dane. Is she in some kind of trouble again? You have to let me out of here. You have to let me help her.”

“She is my mate.”

“lam aware, but she is surrounded by Wolves. She needs someone who is her own kind. Someone who gets what its like to be us.” “We have been over this, it's her call.”

“She doesn’t know you are here, does she, Alpha Dane? All these late night visits and she is blissfully unaware as you lot try to figure out her past. “Late night visits? I've been down here a couple of times since you have been here.”

down here a lot. I believe he is

Eric talking to you about his

is better.” He shrugs

you speak about



now had a stash of fizzy drinks along with the bed, clothes and reading material. I

not here to hurt her. You know you can make the

Trey and Cassandra go into the city?” I ask, ignoring Aero as well as

“I'm not following.”

to themselves. Hidden away from <> other packs. None of us knew of your I kinds existence and now,they are going to

run in with them, didn't she?”

not interested in men.” I tell

‘Anyway, for Trey

her?” “Not Cassandra, but possibly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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