Chapter 0087


He spends hours making sure I have everything I need. Snacks, drinks, blankets and sometimes, he would just lay with me. Ensuring that I was comfortable, trailing his fingers along my skin

The cramps had stopped the moment I orgasmed and I'm still not entirely sure what came over me, or why I took control in the shower like I did. In that moment, it was like something else had taken over my body.

“Neah?” He murmurs my name, rousing me from my sleepy state. “I have to go, it's almost time for the pack run.”

“Okay,” I yawn, letting go of him.

“There will be guards on the house at all times. And your brother will be here too. He has agreed to stay.”

I yawn again, nodding as I pull a pillow against my chest. The pack run was a big thing here, I wasn't going to ask him to stay. “Are you sure you will be alright?” He presses his lips ta my cheek

“I will just sleep, I think.”

“I will let Devon know.”

he doesn’t say anything other than telling

in the sky but I had this bad feeling. A sinking feeling, heavy inside of

my door. “Neah turn your fucking lights off and let me in!” Devon whisper shouts through the door. “What's wrong?” I mutter, opening the door to a naked Devon. I covered my eyes, because seeing

light switch, plunging us into darkness. His hand grabs mine. “You can see me,

wasn’t used to being able to see so clearly

shift to cover my scent. Though they are aware of my presence and probably yours. They

any further, but it

“You need to shift.”

darkness, tears threatening to leak from my eyes. “The guards.” He

search the room, looking for somewhere to hide. But there was nowhere, it was too

as his limbs suddenly lengthen ands body widens. Dark tufts of haicsprouted along his . thickening’skin. His head started

the Shape of

him ashe wraps his huge frame around me.


rubs his long arms all over me, smearing me in

bedroom door. Devon holds me steady, refusing to let me go and for a second, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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