Chapter 0101

“What should I do?” I was still so used to everyone having the answers.

“Neah, since you have been here, I have watched you gain confidence, little by little. You couldn't even step out in the snow.” She laughs about it. “You killed a man the other day. And now, you have just made your way here from the pack house, alone. You don’t need me to answer your question. You already know the answer.

My shoulders drop. “Do you think we can figure this out?”

“My brother hasn't let anything stop him before. If you have truly made up your mind. He will find a way. Plus Jenson is very skilled in the art of war. It might be worth speaking to him, he might be able to give you some advice.”

“Alpha Dane doesn't want me to be alone with him.

She smiles and gestures around the empty hospital. "I can come.”

She finds out where he is and quickly writes out a note telling people to link her if they need her and sticks it to the table “Where is he?” He had left when we were at Beta Eric’s home talking to Jess.

“On duty.”

I was definitely not supposed to be going in the forest without Alpha Dane.

forest. Raven ensures we are nowhere near the boundaries as we make our way through the trees and into the darkest parts of the forest. I had asked Nyx to keep Alpha Dane out of my head too. Just for

trees, making it difficult to pick out individual people. The pack standing guard would change

drops down from a tree, landing in front of us. “Why the hell are you up a tree?” Raven

a shiver down my spine. It always made me nervous and in

He mutters, doing a quick scan of the


you have some

tell him.’ Nyx

it to be over.” I see Raven give me

out here to ask me that?” He cocks an eyebrow at us. “You know we are all out here for you. My people are working their asses off to make sure no one gets in. They

dealt with.” He mutters, brushing it off. And by the way he looked at me, I knew they had been punished.

places his hands on my shoulders. Every muscle in my body clenched as he focused on my eyes. “Are you trying to get yourself

until I’m facing the direction we had come from. "Go back to the house!” “If I accept my Alpha position, will that help?” I

hands leave my shoulders and he moves around in front of me, a deep frown on his forehead. “I

me, wanting me to continue. a] thinkits a trap. I think that Devon was : dupposed to convince me. ‘to accept it. I think..." I groan, “Alpha Bane thinks I should


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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