Chapter 0118

“Just help me understand. You are the natural Alpha of Moonshine. why will they not bow to you?" Roan asks Neah. “You have the power. I can feel it. it's fucking strong!”

The Alpha’s had been here for two days and they still kept circling this question. Especially Roan. He was fascinated by the idea of a female Alpha and he always found a way to be present. Asking the same questions, trying to get a different answer.

“They don’t believe in a female Alpha.” Neah replies, exasperated

“Yet, they still want you.” He leans against the wall. “They are so desperate to get you that they are creating pricks that don't know how te handle themselves.”

She gently thumps her head against the desk, tired of the same questions, “They want me because I will produce more Lycan Alpha's for them.

“The two that are leading the campaign. The male is her uncle.” I tell him, “the female is his mate. We believe they can't have kids and that is why they kept Neah alive.”

“So you thought it was a good idea to put a pup in her?” He cocks a brow at me “I did.”

“That's ballsy. What if they try and keep one of the twins for themselves? You must see the flaw in that plan, right? I know you, Dane. I know you have one of the best war planners in your pack, was this his idea or yours?”

“Does it matter? You are here to protect them.” “It's a dangerous game you are playing, Dane and you are putting all of our packs at risk.”

He hated how Neah was being questioned. He hated how our word wasn't good enough for the Alpha’s.

the least you can do, Roan. Especially after what we did for you." He takes

draw them out,

it's been a little

nothing to

smile. "She used her claws to tear out the first's one heart. The second,

her, she hadn't eaten in days and even water was a struggle to keep down. Some of the others had

give her a couple more hours. If she was still struggling, then she will be going back to the hospital. “Fucking crazy.” Roan mutters for what felt like the hundredth time. “They

for some reason, they think they

they are dying out:~ Roan chuckles. “No offence.” Hew smilesat Neah, and then

over Neah. I move her from my desk chair to the sofa. She doesn’t stir, completely

get her looked

says it’s early pregnancy

that is not normal.” Roan cocks an eyebrow at

of us know what's normal. She doesn’t even know what normal is as they lied to her her entire life.” “What about

a while and no one has left

“She's in my city.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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