Chapter 0138


Raven convinces me to stay at the party. She somehow convinces me to sit and do nothing. To let Eric and Klaus keep an eye on Roan while I relaxed.

I couldn’t relax. In fact relaxing was the furthest thing from my mind. “I should just kill him!” I whisper for the hundredth time. “Get it over and done with.” ‘I agree!’ Nyx murmurs

“Shifting is not going to help your situation. You said it yourself, you feel pain moments before your shift. And if you were a Wolf, you wouldn't be able to shift anyway! Think of the pups.”

“Lam thinking of them!” I grumble back

“I know you want him gone. And to be honest, I agree with you, but just do this for me, okay. Let the guys handle it.” “If something happens

“Nothing is going to happen! There are too many people. It would be a death sentence.”

think Roan cares

while doing nothing.

what do you think his pack will do when they find out you killed him?” Raven

“L...I don’t know."

need another war.

the bar. Roan is sitting at the bar. Klaus and Eric are either side of him as he throws back drink after

Roan leaves his seat. The other two stay at the bar, preventing any suspicion as Roan makes his way onto the dance floor. He stays there for all of three seconds. The moment he see’s me, he makes a very

he stops in front of me. “Can I have

hands on my stomach. I wanted to vomit. who thinks its okay to do that? "The pups. I’m sure

is on rest. Doctor’s orders.” Raven

holding me against him and just high enough that my feet can’t touch the ground. “Let

and spins me away.

each twirl, I feel sick. Without my feet being planted on the floor,

his. His arms coiled around me. His face

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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