Chapter 0166

Dane “You said

“I know Dane. I know exactly what I said.” Damien snaps back at me. A deep frown etched into his face. “He has never wanted to shift back. I didn't think it was even possible. Do you know how hard it was for me?"

“What do you mean?” Raven asks

“I told you that it wasn't easy. That the process took time. I would find I had shifted in my sleep. Waking up in Lycan form in the middle of the corn field. It's not easy to just shift back. Not once you see yourself as a monster.”

“Just full of secrets aren’t you!” Jenson mutters as he shoves Damien out the way.

Dropping down to the floor, he pulls Jess's lifeless body into his arms. I could see from his face that he was broken. The last true loss he had experienced was our parents. Anything in between then and now had never bothered him.

‘We will need to keep an eye on him.’ Aero rumbles.

Agree.’ I mutter back.

Maybe this is what he needs.’ Aero adds

are you talking

has only ever cared about himself his entire

guards and ask them to station themselves around the house. “Let's say he has got out.” Though it wouldn't have been like he could just walk out.

And like I said, he has never wanted to shift back. Trust me, I tried to help him. Mallory did to you. He has never wanted it. The only thing I can think of is that he has actually

voice fills my head. ‘He's

isn’t here and according to Roan. he did indeed shift

wall. If he had shifted, he would have been ablete slip the chains, that I< could undierstan, But the cell was> still locked. The only way out would be if Someone had physically let him aut Not to mention he wouldn't just be able to walk out of théfe. I had seen what Neah

then he is also saying Jess was the one who helped Salem get

red hair. Why would she have helped Salem? It made no sense when she loved Neah.

I?° Damien asks. “I can tell by your face and I know what I smell. I am right. ‘Is he?” Raven demands. “Has Salem got out? Has he shifted? Is he out there, walking around in


somewhere. Somewhere he could hide in plain:

~~ Xu _

from the floor. "You, he came here because

mulling over what has happened and not

I look over to her tosee her arms folded across her chest as she stares at me“l know you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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