Chapter 0173


Her fingers remain tightly coiled around mine as I lay her on her bed. Raven doesn't speak a single word as tears continue to roll down her face in uncontrollable sobs. The pain she is feeling is unforgiving and until now, I never knew that losing a twin was almost the equivalent of losing a mate.

It didn’t matter that he was still alive. He had rejected the pack and that included his own siblings. And it had broken her.

Did he feel the pain, or was he caught up in the loss of his unclaimed mate? Either way I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive him for what he has done to my mate.

Raven cries herself to sleep. Blood from helping Mallory, still stained on her skin. She lets out little whimpers in her sleep, eventually falling quiet as she slips into a deep slumber.

Cleaning up the blood, she doesn't move and I hope that my touch is somehow bringing her some comfort in her sleep. She had been to hell and back in recent days, she didn't need this toa.

Slipping out of her bedroom. I make my way towards the stairs, stopping outside the Alpha’s room when I pick up her scent. I could hear the gentle shuffling of her feet as she paced back and forth behind the door.

“I know you are standing out there.” She calls out. “You can come in.” She continues to pace after I have entered. Her hands are on her hips as she moves, a deep frown etched into her face

“Alpha Neah, you should be resting. Especially given what has happened tonight.” I murmur, my eyes moving down to her rounding belly. It was. crucial that her twins survived. They were the future of Lycan kind.

“Damien, please don't keep referring to me as Alpha and I’m fine. Is Raven okay?”


so how is she really feeling?”

been ripped from

nods as she continues to pace. “I will


and stares at me. “Are you going to try and stop me?” lo." I might

pulls a jacket

know that’s a bad

said you wouldn't

trying to stop you. I just think we could choose a better time. When emotions are not so amped up. I’ve seen people make massive fucking mistakes because their emotions got the better of

her eyes and drops onto

is causing havoc. You nearly lost your friend and your mate because of him. How are you so calm?” “Practice. You wouldn't believe it if you knew what I used to be like, before I became a Lycan.” I add.


her blue eyes round in curiosity. “That's why

“She thought I would be a good asset to her little

I assume, if it was before you were


“How many?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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