Chapter 0176


I sit hunched over with my forehead on the cool wooden desk as Dane, Eric and Klaus try to come up with a plan. But every scenario was a waste of time. Salem was smart. He had outsmarted Raven, Jess, even his own brother.

Turning my head to one side, I glance at Mallory whe is asleep on the sofa. Klaus had said it was unfair for her to be alone while in recovery and my mate had agreed for him to bring her to the office

Her eyes are closed and her arm dangles over the side of the sofa, but I had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn’t really asleep. That she just wanted to hear what was being said.

We should say something?’ Nyx mutters Not yet.” I reply. I still didn’t trust Mallory. I may have helped save her life, but that didn’t mean she was trustworthy.

Everything surrounding her seemed too good to be true. The others didn’t see it yet and constantly reminded me that she was trying, but they will see what I see, it’s just a matter of time.

Damien had told me more about his past then what she had. All she kept harping on about was what she had done to me and that made me suspicious.

I see her eyelashes move, but all she does is roll over, so that her face is towards the back of the sofa. I won't be able to know for certain if she is faking sleep.

“Are you okay?” Dane moves around the desk to me, partially blocking my view of Mallory.

“Tired.” I mutter. It wasn’t a lie. The movement of the twins inside me had been non stop all night. I had barely slept a wink. “Do you want to lie down?"

I see Mallory tense. waiting for my answer, “No.”

He leans down and kisses my cheek when there is a knock at the door, dragging my eyes away from Mallory.

a little flush and my guess was that she had been in heat as

what's your problem." Dane

been trying to watch

mean?" I sit

her windows and his scent.” Damien

in surprise, “Your room

We haven't figured that


agreed to let Damien

day.” Dane smiles. “We need to get him out of

Mallory. Though she practically springs up from the sofa when he touches her, almost

to the dungeon. Roan was supposed to be having his death sentence dealt in front of the entire pack, but given the circumstances, Dane decided

we stand in front of his cell. His eyes drifted across each of our faces as though he was reminding himself on who to haunt after his

then, do it!"

his crimson eyes lock on to the asshole in the cell. “I am sentencing you

again. His smile takes up most of his face. He had lost a lot of

assume the girl is dead.” Roan asks as Dane unlocks the cell. “Why

down here he told her he would kill her. She still opened the cell anyway, but she wouldn't open mine.” He spits

she deserves to have her heart ripped out?” I was fuming “Careful now, Neah, you are carrying a precious load. We wouldn't want

invested, aren't you, Lycan?” Roan’s grin seems to grow further, practically reaching his ears. “My pack is

laughter. “No. No they are notRoan, Your Beta has taken over Ashburn city. Your pack wants nothing to do with you. In fact, your Beta wants to be called wher your heart has

You know they will seek revenge for my death. They won't rest until you suffer.” Dane

will never find out the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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