Chapter 0183


Who do you think it is?" Midnight mutters as we follow Neah out of Mallory’s room. She was all hyped up after learning that one of the strategies to help Neah would be sex. She was desperate to know who Damien had been sleeping with while he was going through it and her jealousy was starting to rub off on me.

We should go back and demand the information!” She sulks

Neah is more important.” I mutter, though I wanted to know the answer toc. They were in the middle of nowhere. There was a female Rogue and Mallory. It couldn't have been the Rogue. Did that mean he sleeping with his best friend?

No. No. That was all before me. I can't be jealous of his past.

Raven.’ Danes voice interrupts my thoughts. ‘Keep Neah upstairs.’

What's going on?" I link him back.

I will explain later. For now, Neah doesn't need to see this.’

Neah was already at the top of the stairs when I stopped her. "Hey, can you come and help me with something?”

a groan. “And if I'm to get through this, I at least need to keep these two

to my room. “What do you need help with?

to make sure it's not infected. You can't see the back of your leg.” Midnight

eves flicker to the window, half expecting to see another handprint, this time, there is nothing there. Being watched was something I had never really

know what I'm looking for, but it doesn't look any worse.” She drops down onto the edge of my bed.

because of this darkness in me, isn’t it?” She pauses. “Raven, just tell

immediately gets to her feet. Puffing out her


drawers@nd hand them to her. ‘Let them deal with it. Everyone hag your bestiiterests at heart. None of them are=doing this to intentionally keep sétrets from you.” Content

hits the window, making both of us scream. Blood is smeared as though something had just

He was just as I remembered him and our eyes met moments before men started

into the room “In human form.” I feel a knot

in firmly against his chest. A reminder that he was here. “They will get him. But I

was out in the middle of the grounds, in broad daylight. He threw something at the window. I'm his target.” I mutter, feeling a rush of panic.

did he throw at the window?” Neah

it's best you speak to Dane about that.” He reaches forward

“Tell me!” Neah demands

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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