Chapter 0190


"Stop it!” I snap, staring at my belly. The twins were growing fast and had also taken to kicking each other or my bladder and it was driving me nuts. Dane raises an eyebrow at me with a small smile as Mallory comes running towards us. I sigh, I had forgotten she was taking part in training.

She comes to a stop in front of us. Her eyes narrowed at my belly. “Is it wise for you to be training?”

“I'm not. This is the only way I can get out of the house!" I snap at her and she lowers her gaze.

Years I had spent trapped inside a house because of Cassandra and Trey. Going no further than the back garden to having almost complete freedom. And now, now I would do anything to feel the grass on my bare feet, to lie in the sun without being monitored every second of the day. But until Damien sends news, I wasn't allowed out of Dane's sight. The fake grass of the training ground will have to do.

me and the twins. I knew he was doing it to keep us safe, but all I wanted to do was break away. to not feel so....

me that I could still do most things. as long as he

it wasn't just about keeping me safe. It was to keep an eye on me, to make sure I don't become

fake and forced. And I bet behind closed doors she has an excellent resting bitch face. Though I was

told me he wanted to test her ~ abilities. {questioned why, because was living proof of her abilities, Thad felt what she could do if she fut her mind to it. And that was justafter ste had been turned.

is capable of. There may be a time when we need to use it or prepare for it.” Dane winks at me I look up at him, but he keeps his crimson eyes focussed on the groups as they

to shut up. It was easier not to have her weighing in with her own opinion and this way, I could focus on

myself onto the grass, watching everyone fight. Training had been ano go for me since finding out was pregnant. Though training ad never been a concer whenlwas face to

for. the heart? Surely that was just the” obvious choice? But then againthey playwi th their food. The heart” wouldn't be the first

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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