Chapter 0205


"Please tell me this is some sort of joke.” I growl as Damien stares at me in my office. He was only going to get things for Dorothy. It has to be.” Aero mumbles. ‘Jenson would be a fool to stay this close. Surely Aspen wouldn't be on board with this.’

I sigh. "He probably is. Aspen lost Jess too.”

‘I know what I saw Dane.” Damien interrupts the conversation with my Wolf. "I knew I was right. I knew there were more out there.” He mutters. I didn’t need a fucking book to prove I was right.”

I held my hands up to silence him as I tried to understand what Jenson was doing. "Okay, so he has hooked up with another Lycan. Why is that a problem for us?

‘I already know you are not going to like what I have to say.” He mutters

"Say it anyway.” I snap

“You told me everything Neah went through growing up. Explaining it is why she is who she is.” “Yes, but...”

He cuts me off, “Does she have any siblings?”

I scowl at him, surprised by the question. "No. What does that..."

"Are you absolutely sure?”

I was getting ready to hit him for continuously cutting me off mid sentence.

“No she hasn't. I told you about the guy who claimed to be her brother.

“Trey, yes, but you said that you found out he was her uncle.”

her brother. It turned out to be a lie. He was in fact bitten by Cassandra or maybe Trey, I can't quite remember. Neah killed him. But

rubs his hand through his stubble as he thinks of what to say, “The woman, she locked like her.” That doesn’t mean anything. Aero shrugs “That

would agreed. Yet the only difference between them that I could see was the colour of her eyes. Dane, other than that, they

shake my head, "You must be imagining things.” “I know what

to speak to him so she stayed in the car while I followed. Dane, I'm telling you, I know what I saw. He went to her, panicking because he knew we had seen him and then they got in

"What were they saying?”

trying to figure out who

to tell. Why does


He doesn't have a reason to

if this woman is older, I'm sure Neah would remember her. Not only that, it would show that they aren't siblings because otherwise, that woman would be

what does it mean

Neah was bound. Devon had played on that, telling her

What if he had been hinting at another part of her life and just used the information for himself to gain access to Neah? "What if one of her parents had an

It was all shadowed in their death and the news that it was her parents who first had her bound. It would be a touchy subject and I'm not sure if she could handle

but for now, it was important

think they were like that.

hadn't met

It seemed unlikely.

they aware of you?” I press, scanning the paperwork in front of me. There were a million things that needed doing in the pack. “Not when I was watching. It seems like your brother


chuckle and Damien cocks

his luck with Neah. Several times

his head, "Raven

with someone that looks like her. Neah was the one he never stood a chance at burying his

be your concern, but I'm more interested to know how he found her. Lycans don’t just wander around. If they did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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