Chapter 0215

“And he stopped you because he is trying to protect you. I still don’t understand the purpose of her visit.” Raven scrunches up her face. “She came alone. She told you she hasn’t seen my brother in months.”

“Dane doesn’t believe that?”

She cocks her brow. “He doesn’t?”

Shaking my head, I sigh, I wasn’t supposed to tell her that. “He is certain he could smell him on her.” Again, I had been too caught up in the ever seeping darkness to take notice of anything but my apparent half sister.

The world could have been imploding around me and I would have been oblivious.

She pauses to let my words sink in and then carries on as though I never mentioned him. “Just turning up to tell you your father allegedly had an affair, I call bullshit. Damien saw her like six months ago. She was in the city. It wouldn’t have been hard to find our location, even if my dipshit brother is helping her. So why has she waited all this time?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”


Dorothy is playing peek-a-boo with the boys. Their giggles turn into hysterical laughter as she pops up from under their high chairs. She had this amazing way with them and loved to make them laugh. Damien said she had a need to feel wanted. Something I understood too well.

She never talked about what happened to her to anyone other than Damien. If someone walked in when she was mid chatting, she would stop immediately. I was happy that she had a safe person.

like her if I had been saved after my parents death rather than

Damien mutters. “Please

“I’m just playing Daddy.”

play as much as you want when

twins as she settles on

Damien asks while putting pancakes

out how I really feel, I

done, Raven takes the kids to go

watching Damien move around the

me. “I’m assuming you are asking me

my head. He puts down his plates and sits back at the table

first it

That was the last

talk about the darkness and that’s

it and it’s always there, tightly coiling around your

another glass. I’m sure right now, with this conversation,

become darker and you won’t realise until it’s too late. When

eventually, you end up trapped. A vicious cycle, destined to achieve one goal. That life that was once freeing becomes the very bane of your existence. You have to fight it, Neah. You have to be the Alpha you are supposed to be and you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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