Chapter 0223

"What if we had gone through the blood tie? What would have happened to me then?” It was the question she replayed over and over, but she hadn't once asked me until now.

"He would have broken your heart.” I keep my voice level and calm. Purposely keeping the annoyance from my voice. He probably would have killed her too, but she doesn't need to know that.

Her frown deepens and her eyes move to the closed door separating the kitchen from the hallway. “I hope whoever Killed him, made his death quick.

She had this picture of him in her mind of the man he once was. I wanted to tell her the truth. To tell her that he was never that man and what a bad man he really was. I wanted to tell her about the kind of messed up situations he put himself in, long before he asked Cassandra to turn him. But I bury it down, letting her remember the tiny good things about him.

I was the idiot for letting him live for so long.

I was to begin with, but I can't change the fact that she loved him once, even if it was built

the melted ice

jabs the spoon at me. “Don’t touch me, I will cut it off. I swear!” “I can't even wrap my arms around you." ‘I don't like being touched when it's my

you let me put a pup in

I rap my knugktes on the office door. Dane calls.for me to come in as Eric: lazes in a-chair. His eyes are = practically bulging from his head as he yawns. The aroma of alcghol is stréng in the

made it official. But it was a good

“Eric, go.” Dane mutters.

sways, momentarily falling back into

wasn even worthy of his title and Dae needed to strip it. I didn't carebout them being old friends. It shatld go to someone worthy, like Klaus. Content

do with you?” Eric

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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