Chapter 0235

I force images of Logan and Evrin to take their place.

“That is our father, with my mother. If you look closer, you will see she is pregnant. Pregnant with me.” Blair continues. “I don’t blame you for not believing me. But how else do you explain how similar we look?”

“Is that why Jenson went to you?” Damien pushes. “Because you were the next best thing?”

She snarls at him. “Jenson has claimed me as his.” She pulls her jacket to one side and shows me the mark just above her collarbone.

Damien erupts into laughter. “So he marked you because he couldn’t have Neah?!”

Blair glares at him as his laughter quietens. I didn’t need to look to know he was still smirking.

Her brown eyes refocus on me. “When I came here last, I didn’t handle it very well. I made you feel like I was a threat.”

‘Lies.’ Nyx mutters

“I just wanted you to know the truth about our father. I figured you deserved that.”

and now

thought maybe we could have a conversation. Sister to sister.” She presses. “Just

of a nearby tree. I had been so busy trying to keep the darkness

Blair forces Mallory’s name off of her

must be the bitch

almost sounded like they

you almost killed my half sister?” Blair’s brown eyes return to me. “Why did

explain myself to

you now, little

takes one to know one.” Mallory growls from the other side of

back. She seemed to be surprised by Mallory’s words. Like someone had revealed

to walk away, only to

and gets into a fancy car. As the car makes a U turn, I catch sight of Jenson

fuck were you doing in

watching, like I have been doing since the last time she came. I didn’t believe Damien when he said she looked like you and I wanted to


to Damien. “Damien

spin to look

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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