Chapter 0246

She wasn’t afraid. In fact she seemed rather confident. Ballsy and I liked it.

“Wasn’t it me you wanted to meet with?”

“Yes. But I also expected Jenson not to tell you. He isn’t or rather wasn’t always so forthcoming with information.”

“People learn and things change.”

She nods her head in agreement.

“Who sent you, Mallory?”

“No one. I told that to Jenson yesterday. Did he not tell you?” She pauses and really stares at me. “I’m sorry, you just, you just look so much like her. Anyone would believe you were more than half sisters.”

“Flattery won’t work with me.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant to say is it’s a surprise considering you have different mothers.”

genes.” I muse because she wasn’t wrong. When Jenson said Neah and I looked alike, I thought that maybe we

of hair behind her ears. She is a pretty little thing. I noticed that when she jumped down from the

so the person who bit her must have seen potential. Potential

are you here,

mutters. Her pitch doesn’t change and neither does the rhythmic beat of her heart. That's where the true giveaway of a

hates me.” She continues, “Damien doesn’t want me to leave Black Shadow.” Her chocolate brown eyes

“So just leave.”

“It’s not that simple.”

it is. You are not a Wolf. You are not an official member of the pack. You are a Lycan and not even a

scowls, “My mate is in the

doesn’t change. Either it was true or she was so good at lying that her

“Has he claimed you?”

him because of what I did to Neah years ago.” she pauses. “I’m

her having a mate, but he had told me that she

you are

has a presence in the pack house.” She rocks on her heels. “I’m pretty sure that is the only reason why I am alive. What about you? You have survived.” She stares

“Skills.” I mutter.

without batting an eyelid. She nods towards my house where Jenson is standing with his face pressed against

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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