Chapter 0250

Sliding my tongue along my teeth, I refocus on the direction of Black Shadow and start running.

Cars stop as I speed past. I should hide, but maybe it’s time all humans learned about the monsters of the world. There are flashes from phones and screams ripple through the night air. I should care. Knowledge of me would mean knowledge of others and that would give her even more power.

My heart pounds as I run. Refusing to slow or stop for anything. I feel something that killing Rogues and other assholes never gives me. A sense of freedom with a desire that is buried deep within my core. A hunger too. A hunger that I hadn’t felt in so long.

The abandoned red car is the only thing that stops me. It’s miles away from Black Shadow.

The doors hang open, one swings as though it’s no longer attached properly. A flat tyre makes the vehicle drop on one side. As I creep closer I see the front end has smoke seeping out from under the bonnet. A massive dent like they had slammed into something.

The smell of blood has me drooling. I am so damn hungry.

less than a second to locate the blood and even less time to locate the source. They had hit a deer and

easily, sliding down my throat so perfectly and the blood. Oh, the blood. I could bathe

“Are you done?”

strip of meat from the bones. Damien is standing there, his arms folded across his wide chest as he watches

flinch like the humans did or run screaming. He stares, completely unafraid. And why should he

eyes, peering out from the dark cover of the trees. To the right, there are more and by the smell of it, there were even more behind me. I still couldn’t smell my mate. Yet I knew he wasn’t dead. The bastard had well and truly screwed me over and I will gladly stick a knife through

a question!” He snaps at me. A deep gargled laugh rumbles through me. Why did they always think they could win? I win. I always

The deer had been delicious but it wasn’t enough.

her. “I had to knock him out, but

been wrong, he hadn’t abandoned me, she had somehow got

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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