Chapter 0260

“How do you feel about that?” She wouldn’t be the first to be marked against her will.

Mallory shrugs her shoulders. “We are working on it. Anyway, I know I have no place to say this. Can you just hold off from killing Jenson for a little while, just let me puzzle things together first. If I can’t come up with anything, then you can do what you want.”

“You are right, you don’t.” Truthfully, I didn’t want to kill him either. “Forty Eight Hours Mallory.”

Forty eight hours.” She repeats and turns to the door.

“Say hello to Eric for me.”

She spins around wide eyed, staring at me. “I didn’t say anything.”

“You don’t need to, Mallory. He was supposed to be in the party to rescue you. Turns out he had already left the pack. I’m just grateful he wasn’t out buying more alcohol.”

“I said I wouldn’t say anything.” She splutters

“And you haven’t. Just answer me this, is he still drinking?”

shakes her

eight hours.” I mutter and she hurries from

it come to this with Jenson? My father would be livid if he

and Raven had been raised in exactly the same way. When they were children, they had rules to follow, just like everyone else. Where Raven

would cause problems. This time, this time he had really fucked up and he might have just

the others. She’s quiet too. Waiting for me or maybe it was because she could

“You were listening?”

stairs. Damien and Raven are arguing. Mallory has just run out the door, I don’t think she even realised I was there.” She pauses and even her heartbeat is quiet. “Forty

when I brought

know your brother better than anyone. He has helped you get through wars, helped you build your contracts. Mallory said something isn’t adding up. Did he

Lycans here. I can’t even force an answer from him because I am no longer his Alpha. I will give Mallory the agreed forty eight hours. Then

down, “And if Blair

surprised she hasn’t turned up yet. It’s already been a couple of days and there have been

Raven uses?

cases, yes.” I muse, “But when we are waiting for her to show up, it’s the furthest thing

If you hadn’t noticed," She points to the dark sky,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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