Chapter 0275


“I don’t like him. He is fucking shifty. He claims to know stuff about Lycans and Rogues. It’s a load of bullshit.” I mutter though Raven isn’t listening to me. She is busy staring at Jenson.

The guy is hooked up to every machine possible and she spends all day here, watching for the tiniest clues. Looking for something that just isn’t there.

The only reason he is alive is because of the machines.

Turn the ventilator off and the other one that’s keeping his heart pumping and that would be it, but she couldn’t accept that, even with her vast knowledge of medical stuff. Or maybe it was more that she wouldn’t accept it.

Big black circles sit under her eyes from the lack of sleep. Her lips are chapped from the lack of fluids and every piece of food I put in front of her went uneaten. Even her favourite ice cream.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” she whispers, gripping Jenson’s unresponsive hand. “We were supposed to stick together. Look after each other. And you had to go and ruin it!”

A single tear trickles down her cheek as she stares at her brother. “You couldn’t just accept it, could you?”

“Raven, he can’t hear you.”

She snaps at

Dane knew it

I needed to get her out of here, even if

“I can’t leave him.”

I’ve asked Klaus to come and sit


ill too. You won't be able to help him if you are making yourself suffer.” I press, hoping that she

flicker to mine. “I can’t leave

in the packhouse. You

and slowly peels her hand

tell me.” Raven pleads with him, “A

He takes her seat beside Jenson and I still have to

is just us. In bed, she lets me curl around her until her body is perfectly nestled into mine.

sobs into the pillow

me, you come to learn that death was expected. It truly is the only guaranteed thing in

up to us. And though my own death is not something that scares me, the idea of losing my mate to it does. The worst thing is, I could feel everything she was feeling, but I

left puffy from all the tears and her cheeks are flushed red from her hands constantly brushing them away. But she was asleep and I wanted to keep it that way.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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