Chapter 0282

‘There’s that soul shit again.’ Aero mutters. ‘I don’t understand how someone can see a soul.’

“Are you saying her soul is tainted?” I ask Abraxas. I wasn’t sure what to think of him saying he could see souls. At one time, I also didn’t think someone could be bound four times. I’ve learned a lot in the last couple of years.

“More like it has cracks in it.”

“Cracks?” Aero and I mutter in unison

“Everyone’s soul starts off as a small ball of light. It grows as the person grows, gradually taking shape of the person. Sometimes, it gets to a certain size and never grows anymore because a person is trapped in a cycle that they can’t get out of. Others, like those who have experienced levels of trauma, develop cracks. When the cracks meet, the soul breaks along with that person.”

“How bad are hers?”

“She should have broken long ago.”

“Is that how the darkness got in?”


you be

really spoken to Lycans before, or Rogues. I’ve spent years watching, hunting, killing. Listening to

if her soul is cracked. What’s keeping her

figuring that out. Got

“No, limited amount.”

smirks at me with a cocked eyebrow. “You don’t believe

feet and takes the empty bottle to the

her darkness was waiting to be freed. You are talking about her Lycan,

He sits back down opposite me. “Neah has a surprisingly good level of control over her Lycan. I watched


“Not once.”

how much he hated Lycans and Rogues, it wasn’t a good sign. I had

do I help her deal with her Lycan if

his shoulders at me. “Her cracks show that she shouldn’t be here. She is constantly fighting with her Lycan. Bound four times and survived” He keeps talking to himself. Listing all the things that

“Maybe binding her is

her.” How fucking dare he think that’s even

Dane. You asked me what was holding her together.” He drums his hand on the table, working through things in his mind. “Humans are full of cracks. Little tiny ones that snake through their soul. None of them ever quite

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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