Chapter 0319


"You really couldn't find anything?" I mutter in confusion. It had been twenty four hours since the fire.

Dane shakes his head at me. "We've looked but there doesn't seem to be anything that caused the fire. Whoever did it, covered their tracks." "No scents?"

"The after smell of the fire is still strong, it wiped out any leftover scents." Damien adds. "I expect whoever is responsible, set it and then legged it." "So there is still a chance it can be Blair?"

"We are not ruling it out." My brother tells me and then he smiles. "It's nice to see you involved in pack stuff again."

I shrug my shoulders. "Jenson is dead, I have to be useful somewhere.”

"You know that is not what I'm saying! What I am saying is I've missed having you hover around the house, finding you in random places eating ice cream. Neah misses you too." He smiles at me, though I don't return it.

I sigh. I had missed a lot of what had happened with Neah. Usually she would tell me everything, but we had barely spoken since I had been at my brother's bedside. I had missed watching the twins learn to walk too. "Well, I'm here now. When is the funeral?"

"Tonight. It's a full moon and I think it's the perfect night to say goodbye to him before we go on a packrun."

full moon run in months. "Are the Lycans

there are many, like

thought it was weird that they were here, but apparently Hunter Abraxas had

He will be staying in the house with Mallory, Neah

doesn't want to

decided not to. Her and Neah

try to keep the surprise out

would say this." Dane smiles.

I was a little jealous. "So Jenson is being buried in the

still one of us. He deserves to be buried alongside mum and

"Thanks." I mumble

need to thank me, Raven.

in the first place. Damien clears his


eight. We will start

I briefly check to see f Damien is following me, but I'm alone, though I wasn't sure that was what I wanted. I guess Jenson's coma had pushed us apart. Damien didn't understand why I spent every moment with

Minus a few exceptions. And from what t could see, Lycans moved on quickly too They would grieve for a couple of days and then accept the

the sadness would pass quite quickly. But I guess this time, it's because I hoped for it not to be true. And

Neah is laid on the floor on her stomach as Evrin and Logan climb all over

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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