Chapter 0323



"Everyone needs to stay fucking still!" Dane roars as I look over at Mallory.

Eric is desperately trying to stop her from bleeding as he slams his hands against her stomach. Damien cups her face, forcing her to look at him rather than down at Eric and talks to her, trying to keep her calm. From here, I can see her body trembling, blood already pooling around her. Dane grabs hold of my face and turns it to his. "You need to get them under control. You can't help Mallory otherwise."

'He's right. We have to do this.' Nyx mutters

'I'm not sure I'm ready.' I whisper back

'You've got this. Just like we practised.'

I take a deep breath, letting my lungs fill to capacity as I tune into my Alpha abilities. I only needed this lot to listen, not the others in the pack and definitely not Damien as he tries to help Mallory.

front of

Nyx is bouncing around in pure happiness that I was gaining more and more

fighting over, a gun. It hadn't been Abaraxas that shot Mallory, it had been the

hearts ran rampant in their chests. Not a single soul was trying to

to free the gun and points it directly at the shooter's head. "She is pregnant, you dumb

won't survive

let him kill whoever was a threat up until this point. But he does not get to kill


eyes to me in confusion. "He is a threat!

Alpha, not a Wolf Alpha. And you are a dirty fucking Hunter. A disgrace

the one you shot was a Lycan. You won't get a chance to try that again." The shooter slowly turns

my voice. But unlike the other times, it brings a level

He doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence as my claws sink into his

and surprise linger on his


A gargled sound rises up through his throat as he no longer gets the oxygen he needs. Blood appears in the corner of his mouth, slowly making its way down

I watch the life drain from him which is quickly

It doesn't mean anything else and you know it's the right thing to do. There would be too many put in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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