Chapter 0338

"But are they the right ones?"

He raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I knew that they had to die. They were a troublemaker from day one and they did something unheard of." I was trying to keep the details vague. Maybe Dane wouldn't want anyone to know his sister is dead. "I have only ever killed those that were dangerous. Those that would put our lives at risk. This one was...." I trail off as Raven's smiling face fills my head

"You wouldn't make it as a leader if you didn't question your decisions." He sighs. "I've heard the stories about you. I've heard where you came from, what happened to you, how you were raised and everything since. It takes most people years to train to become a good leader. Dane would have been training since he was a pup. I was thrown into it, though I was never an Alpha of any kind. You've had what, three ish years?"

Is that all it is? It felt like a lifetime had passed. "And a year of that was spent learning who I am." I mutter

"Neah, you've been propelled into something that is bigger than what any of us can imagine. And you are more than capable. Your decision is just that, your decision."

What if they cannot accept

key is that you have to accept it first." He shuffles on the tree, it was probably a little uncomfortable for him as he is quite big. "Who would have thought I would be giving advice

and he

You had to accept that she needs to die and that's why

level, I thought I could be the father she needed, but the only thing

Nyx sighs. I


what I've done, I just can't get the image of Raven out of my head and that's what's messing

feel my body tense up Ryken had come out here before Dane Dane hadn't

will leave you to it." Ryken walks in Dane's direction. He pauses briefly but I don't hear what they speak

Nyx. 'He is angry,

If it weren't for his scent, I would know it was him by the way he

body stays rooted to the

my eyes low as he stops in front of me. That feeling of preparing to be scolded lingered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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