Chapter 0354


"Why did you really want to come?" I query.

"Maddie is my responsibility." She keeps her eyes on the road ahead

"No, she isn't. She is a woman that came to you in the hopes of getting out of a shitty arrangement, that doesn't mean you owe her anything." "You may think that, but I don't." She pauses. "I don't want people to be loyal to me just because of my title. That's not true loyalty."

"You continuously surprise me Neah Kitson."

"Dane will do anything for his Wolves. I want to do the same for the Lycans. I lived in a lie for so long before I met him. I was brought up watching Trey and Cassandra run a pack and I will never be anything like them. Dane has taught me alot."

"Looks like you are finally finding your feet." From the corner of my eye, I see her smile. She just wanted confirmation that she was doing the right thing.

I stop the car to do another check and Neah grabs hold of my arm. "I know this place."

There is a dim light coming from a nearby house. A dirty Porsche sits on the drive, the grass in the garden is as tall as my knees. If it weren't for the small light, I would have said the house was abandoned.

"This is Blair's house." She mutters

"You've been here?"

When they were holding Mallory hostage, this is the house number she gave me. Why would Blair return here after what Samara told us?" She scowls and her knuckles are white as she

here, I will go and check it

She pushes the car door open and hurries towards the house. I quickly follow and her hand pauses before she knocks on the door. I see her sniff the air, checking that we are alone and

or Lycans scream from being

side of the door. Something that

long time. "No one! No one saw us come in.

he is the

at me, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but

coldly. It was the only reason I wanted to find

why you wanted to come

what happened to Dorothy. She also killed my mate, my

if you kill them, you will probably never see Maddie again!" Neah

open the door, her

to me. She takes a step back, shaking her head as she pulls her jacket around her. "You brought the Hunter to my door?"

belongs to .Org S

wink and Samara

She can't change what she

will come." I reply and Neah elbows me in the

had everything stripped from her." Samara defends "How?"

something, or maybe it's done after he drugs us. You lose track of time." "Right," Neah mutters. "We have reason

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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