Chapter 0375

"What do you think his plan is?"

"He could be coming for you and it will be a bonus for him because he will find me too. Or he could want the female Alpha. I don't think Cooper ever really has a plan. He just rolls with the situation and takes advantage when he can."

"Do you think he will attack Black Shadow?"

She puffs out her cheeks. "Without a doubt."

More Wolves and Lycans are going to lose their abilities because of me. Especially if he was already here. I would be the reason our kind falls.

I tell Sammie that I'm turning in for the night and she asks me if I'm okay.

"Just tired." I lie. Guilt was weighing so heavily on me that I thought my lungs were going to be crushed.

I wait for hours after Sammie has gone to bed, just to make sure that she is asleep. Quietly I pull on a jacket and slip out of the house, being extremely careful to not make any noise.

Standing at the end of the drive. I weigh up my options. To go left to Black Shadow and hope for an easy and quick death, or go right and disappear for good and live the rest of my life as a Human. Neither options were ones I wanted.

Checking my pockets, I feel for the rectangle that is my credit card. I had found it stashed in my vanity table. Planted there when I first moved in as a just in case card. There was more than enough money on it to set me up with a new life, far away from any of this shit and somewhere where no one could find me. I had grabbed it just in case I turned right.

going?" Sammie


to sleep

single street light. It gives her grey eyes an eerie look. "If Neah found us, I'm certain Cooper can. Cooper could be watching us right now

shoulders and spins me around to look at her. "Who gives a shit if he is watching! He can't do anything else to us. So I

mutter. "I don't go to someone asking for help. I am the help.


"Okay?" I whisper back.

nods. "I thought I knew how I could help you. But this has to be your choice, Blair. If you want to leave, we leave. If you want to speak to Neah, we go

have you changed your

Lycan anymore but I see the guilt you carry. The sadness that is evident

tugging Sammie


fight back because it will be everything I deserve

Her hand squeezes mine.

me a few questions about the inside of Black Shadow's pack. I tell her that I never made it further than just inside the gates Jenson had given me some information but not much, though

had crashed into the one in

"Is that?" Sammie asks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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