Chapter 0385


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Chapter 0386


tower over me, they weren't in the cell with me and yet it felt like they were taking up

talks but I don't even hear him over the rush of blood that's happening inside my head. I do

like they are working overtime. A panic attack Sammie had called it moments before I agreed to have the drip

clicks his fingers, "Are you even

not sinking in, but nothing moves. My muscles fail me in every way possible. I was pretty

I would learn the true meaning of it.

it seemed like I had forgotten what he was capable

breaths. Is this how everyone had felt moments before I killed them? Did

was already weak enough without them

Dane moves towards me.

you doing?"

a hidden meaning.

seeing but with

and Dane forces me on it. Abraxas holds a cup to my mouth, the cool liquid tickles my lips but I turn my head away. Poison would be a slow death even without my


eyes. I couldn't tell if he was lying or not and I certainly couldn't smell if there was any poison in the

their way through my


is the best thing I've tasted in hours and it beats that weird tasting juice that Sammie kept giving me She kept insisting that my taste buds needed to adapt too, so drank it, but each

Content belongs


Dane tells me and my eyes move to Abraxas. "He is merely here to make sure that I'm getting the truth

to them, not now and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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