Chapter 0411


'Sometimes, it's so frustrating when he is right.' Nyx groans. She was just as eager as me to put an end to Samara, but Dane was right, we couldn't risk losing Klaus, not when we don't have the full picture.

"So we are just going to let her live?" I whisper to Dane as my claws retract. They were coming out with next to no pain now and sometimes, I didn't even notice they were out.

I could see Samara staring at us. A mixture of fear and hope that she thinks Dane is saving her.

And now she was awake, I couldn't hear her whimperings anymore, though there is no denying that there is a link to me. I could order her. I could feel it, but could she?

"Why is everything so loud?" Samara suddenly cries, as she plants her hands over her ears. It was interesting how sound was the last thing to come to her. It was the first thing that hit me when my binding was broken

"You have your Lycan, you dumb bitch!" Blair screeches and Samara winces.

"You're wrong." She cries back

"Enough!" Damien snaps.

Blair to my office." Dane tells him. "Damien, make sure she doesn't

going to kill Blair? We have information now. We don't need her anymore. So he must be, right?'

something over, if he was going to kill her, he wouldn't be considering other things and he

and holds a hand out to me. He doesn't speak until we are outside. "We

She is locked up

Moving forward, she's going to be useless in getting any information. And you heard her. She wants to kill Samara. She will be too focused on that. Again, if Samara dies, there is


tactfully. I'm going to offer

"A trade?"

see just how much he loves his sister because it's either none or

that just make him think Klaus is

offering something that is worthwhile. Something that the other party thinks works in

as Damien and Eric appear with Blair. She is quiet, keeps her gaze low and does not fight the men

look around the dark grounds. "We don't even know where

tells me

He will soon learn that the spell or drug that he used has worn off and he can link his sister. He will probably

slamming of the dungeon door makes me jump. “You said she can't stay in the

belongs to .Org

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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